Rolfing® SI
Gravity is the therapist (Ida Rolf)

What is Rolfing®?

Dr. Ida Paulina Rolf - Photo courtesy of Certified Advanced Rolfer® David Kirk-Campbell
Rolfing® is a massage therapy developed by Dr. Ida Paulina Rolf between 1945 and 1979.
Ida Rolf was an American woman born just a few years prior to 1900 and she was the first woman to get a PhD in Biochemistry.
Needless to say that she was very determined to push her way through a world that was very much dominated by men and starting from her knowledge of Biochemistry, her curiosity on disciplines like Osteopathy and Homoeopathy as well as Tantra Yoga, she developed a revolutionary method known as Structural Integration (or Rolfing®), a technique based on the manipulation of fascia (aka connective tissue).
Ida Rolf’s method has been incredibly innovative for two main reasons: she has been the first to understand the major role of fascia in the organisation of the body, much before the current research, and she has been the only one, up to today, to look at the body in the gravitational field and to understand the role of gravity in the organisation of fascia.
Fascia is an ubiquitous sensory organ, full of motor receptors, that was initially thought to have a supportive and connective function (here the name connective tissue).
If the anatomists were capable of dissecting a body so that only the fascial web was left, the shape of that body, from the skull to the feet, would still be perfectly visible. The same wouldn’t be possible if only muscles or bones were left.
From the very first moment the embryo is formed gravity is present in our life and because of that feeling it in the body is a complex experience. However, if we were to live in an environment without gravity our entire body would organise itself in a completely different way.
Put fascia and gravity together and you will have the human being in its full potential for movement and for being.
Add belief systems, personal history, cultural habits, body image, physical and emotional traumas and you have the human body deprived of most of its potential.
Rolfing® is a method that aims to reestablish the lost potential for movement and for being and uncovering the full human being.
Rolfing®, eine kurze Einführung (Youtube-Video)
Why is Rolfing® good for you?
We believe that our body should bring us from place A to place B and be fit whenever we wish to perform any kind of activity. And if suddenly it doesn’t work anymore, we consult an expert in order to have it fixed like a car would be repaired by the mechanic.
Stop for a moment and read the last sentence again: we consult an expert…
Why should someone else know YOUR body better than yourself?
How come that someone else is able to feel and understand YOUR body better than you do?
YOUR body is a big part of who you are. Owning your body, feeling and understanding it puts you back in a place where you feel safe, secure and confident in the world. And this feeling is incredibly empowering!
And this is what you will gain by going through the Rolfing® sessions: you will take back the ownership of your own body and you will feel again a complete human being, safe and confident in the world!
People that underwent the Rolfing® sessions report a significant improvement of any chronic condition such as: shoulders, neck, back, knee, hip… pain. This is the result of the reintegration of the entire body into a more functional and more efficient human being.
How does Rolfing® work?
Rolfing® is organised in 10 sessions, each of which focuses on a specific part of the body and has a specific goal with the aim of reestablishing the natural alignment of the human being in gravity.
Prior to the first session, a preliminary get-to-know meeting is required to present and clarify a few important aspects of the Rolfing® method and for the client to inform the Rolfer® about the reason behind the desire of undergoing the process of the 10 sessions, about any chronic pain, past injuries or operations.
The first 3 sessions are traditionally carried out on the most superficial fascial layers, whereas the following 4 sessions on the deepest layers. The last 3 sessions aim to re-integrate the body in gravity.
The session usually starts with the analysis of the posture in standing and walking, to continue on the massage table with the work on the fascia, to finish back to standing to reorient the body in gravity.
One Rolfing® session | € 100 |
- A session lasts ca. 90 minutes with a monthly frequency (recommended)
- Sessions are possible on Wednesday afternoons from 14:30, Thursday and Friday from 10:30 (in exceptional cases also on Saturdays)

2nd floor
c/o Roland/Himmel
69117 Heidelberg
+49 176 789 354 09